
Using payment page

  1. The customer presses the "Pay" button on a seller's website.

  2. The seller handles the customer's payment request and sends a create request to the API, specifying a description of the purchase, payment amount and other details if needed (see Order creation).

  3. Gateway responds with a URI of the payment page and order ID.

  4. The seller saves the order ID and redirects the customer to the URI.

  5. The customer fills up a payment form on the payment page.

  6. Gateway processes authorization using the cardholder's credentials and redirects the cardholder back to the seller's website.

  7. The seller requests order information using a saved order ID (see Order information) and depending on the order status renders the result page for the customer.


1. Customer enters payment info and presses the "Pay" button while on a seller's website.

2. Sellers handle the customer's request and send an authorised request to the API (see Order authorization).

3. Gateway creates orders and handles payment using payment info received from the seller.

4. Gateway responds with the authorization results.

5. Seller handles the authorization results and renders the result page for the customer.

Charge-off through back-office

After the successful payment via the payment page is performed charge-off of funds from the customer's card such methods:

1. Enabling autocharge in the project (the delay of autocharge is set in minutes).

2. Manually charge-off of funds in the back-office ("Orders => Needed order => Charge").

Last updated