POST - Step up

Issue a one-time password that can be used to step-up a token, then run the Step up verify api to validate your stepup.

Initiates the step-up token process by sending an SMS with an one-time-password to a device belonging to the logged-in user that was previously enrolled through https:///{cardId}/send-otp endpoint.

This process is required for endpoints that require a step-up token to complete the call.

Note that on the Sandbox Environment, text messages are not sent and the one-time-password is always "123456".

End point



REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

πŸ” API SECRET: x-secret

Add YWJjMTIzIQ== in x-secret in headers.

Header parameter name: x-secret

πŸ” HTTP: Authorization-key

The authentication token representing the user. This will be included in the login response object as token.

Header parameter name: Authorization-key


    "type": "SMS" // Optional by default SMS will be used

Sample Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-secret: YWJjMTIzIQ==' \
--header 'Authorization-Key: YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "channel": "SMS"

Sample Response

No content

Response Status

204 Success - No Content.

400 Bad Request Error - Your request is invalid.


401 Unauthorized - Your credentials or access token are invalid.

403 Forbidden - Access to the requested resource or action is forbidden.

404 Not found - The requested resource couldn't be found.

405 Method Not Allowed - The request was received but has been rejected for the requested resource.

409 Conflict


429 Too many requests.

500 Internal Server Error - There is a problem with the server. Please try again later.

503 Service Unavailable - We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Last updated